
How companies increase digital sales with Unidy

Collect - Increasing number of user profiles / Connect - Increase data fields and opt-ins per user / Convert - Increase revenue per user


For example, the German Golf Association generated a high number of insured golfers for HanseMerkur in a very short time with the DGV login.

As can be seen in the image above, the basis is a three-tier model: Collect, Connect, Convert. Unidy is used by companies to synchronize user data and consent across platforms as a basis for personalized communication, service offerings, and digital marketing. The marketing formats used by Unidy are explained below.

1. Collect

Objective: Increasing number of user profiles

To make it as easy as possible for users to create a profile in the company database, Unidy offers various functions. In addition to various direct registration options (email, magic link, social logins), users can also create a profile by invitation via integrated third-party services (e.g. CRM, shop) or the company's own user API. These functionalities make it possible, for example, to give users the option of converting data entered somewhere directly into a fully-fledged account. Accounts from old data silos can also be transferred directly into central user accounts, which the user only has to confirm once (e.g. by assigning a password).

2. Connect

Objective: Increase data fields and opt-ins per user

The more relevant information about users is known and, above all, the more consent (opt-ins) users proactively give, the better they can be addressed according to their needs. To this end, Unidy makes it as easy as possible to maintain personal data and to give or withdraw opt-ins. This user data can be synchronized across the whole brand platform of connected best-of-breed services.

With the single sign-on function, users can register for connected services and communication channels with one click and give consent for data transfer.

Companies can flexibly define which data fields users can edit and/or view in the account and which data fields are, for example, mandatory in order to use a service. For example, user groups can be created that have individual access rights (e.g. member portal for members). Basically, Unidy offers the connection to solutions of the following categories:

  • Services (shops, landing pages, ticketing, …)
  • Channels (e-mail, messenger, SMS, push, …)
  • Subscriptions (memberships, premium access, season tickets, business club, …)
  • Payment (various payment methods)

3. Convert

Objective: Increase revenue per user

The more user profiles there are (see Collect) and the more user data there is per profile (see Connect), the higher the potential marketing value for companies.

Unidy offers various possibilities for this:

Single-Sign-On Integration

  • Brand Login Analogous to the well-known social login buttons, the own brand login of partners can be integrated to convert users with one click. The user data transferred after the user's consent can be defined individually.


  • Account Listing
    • In addition to the integration of the brand login, the respective partner can be listed directly in the user account as an SSO service next to the brand SSO services.

Partner Subscription Integration

Unidy Subscriptions offers the possibility to prominently integrate partners with subscription, subscription, or membership offers in the central user account. Through SSO-Connect, users can convert with one or a few clicks. Own (premium) subscriptions can also be created and marketed, which in turn integrate partner services (e.g. digital membership, premium account, business club, etc.).

Partner Subscriptions

Payment Partner

Possibility to integrate a payment partner into Unidy in order to generate premium branding effects but also new customers for the payment partner. A payment service provider (PSP, e.g. Adyen, Unzer) as well as a bank (e.g. Commerzbank), payment method (e.g. Bluecode) or scheme (e.g. Visa) can be integrated as a partner. Especially for banks, payment methods, and schemes, this is a very valuable marketing right, as not only positive branding effects but also direct acquisition of new customers can be achieved. For PSPs valuable use cases can be generated through Unidy's central payment integration (cross-channel and cross-service, online & offline, "1-click checkout").

Payment Partner

SSO Landing Pages

SSO landing pages might be the easiest way to drive direct revenue within your own data and login. Imagine a dedicated landing page with an integrated SSO function, which enables users to instantly participate in your campaign with only one click. The required user data and consents lie with the partner. In this way, significantly higher conversions can be achieved compared to landing pages with old-school data forms.

SSO Landing Page

By connecting Unidy with a campaigning or marketing automation tool (CRM, CDP, newsletter, etc.) or even an AdServer, brands can drive personalized campaigns to specific target groups based on any selection criteria. For partners, this is a very effective gateway to reach a specific target group with the right timing and with the right content. Exemplary channels are e.g.:

  • E-Mail Newsletter
  • Messenger (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, …)
  • App Push
  • Browser Push
  • SMS
  • Banner

On the basis of this digital strategy, customers are generating further revenues. If you also want to implement your digital strategy with Unidy, feel free to contact us.