
What is our multibrand feature?

This blog article explains our multi-brand feature and its key benefits. The feature allows organizations an centralized user account for different brands enabling the synchronisation of data across brands. Every brand is designed individually and includes different services, channels and subscriptions.


The feature offers three main benefits:

The data from multiple brands will be connected and synced with one customer-relationship-management (CRM). A company can use multiple brands as an emotional connection to convert the user. Multiple brand-ID-logins can be offered in one connected service Apart from the three main benefits, companies can raise awareness for all their sub-brands and convert possible new customers. As we link several brands of different brands in one profile, a company can use multiple brands as an emotional connection to convert the user. The synchronization with one CRM allows brands to gather t data across users from all sub-brands, reducing complexity and costs. Further, the collection of information in one CRM can further be used for broader marketing strategies.

Users benefit from the multi-brand instance because they only have to register once to be able to log in for all brands. However, it is possible to switch between brands, i.e. to use the services of all brands, because the service offered is identical for each ID. Accordingly, the user only has to go through the authorisation process once when connecting to a service or the double opt-in process (DOI).

If your business might also need an overarching user account for different sub-brands or you want to get more information on the feature, feel free to contact us.